
Carona’s Permissive Attitude

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* Re “Littleton Doesn’t Alter Carona Stance,” May 20:

Sheriff Mike Carona’s stance on issuing concealed-gun permits is but one example of the result of [electing someone] with no real policing experience.

If Carona had any real police administrative experience and know-how, he would realize that widespread issuance of permits to carry concealed weapons will simply open the door to indiscriminate shootings.

Some of the examples of applicants noted are absolutely scary. For instance, a pastor who feels he needs to carry a gun to protect himself against homeless people who “are used to using force and bodily harm to obtain money for drugs. . . .” So let’s have all our clergymen arm themselves and make shooting galleries out of our churches!


Any experienced police manager knows that among the most critical issues he or she faces is that of officer-involved shooting incidents.

Police officers have been subjected to the most in-depth background investigations before being appointed and have completed hundreds of hours of basic training.

Yet even they become involved in questionable shootings, the recent Riverside incident being a classic case.


And now this terribly inexperienced sheriff wants to arm all persons with no criminal record simply because they give a good reason and complete a mere 16 hours of firearms training.


Yorba Linda

* It is comforting to know that our Orange County sheriff has joined those two stalwart U.S. senators, Larry Craig and Trent Lott, as wholly owned subsidiaries of the National Rifle Assn.


Huntington Beach
