
Girl Talk That’s Totally Cool


Take the swingin’ advice column the Playboy Advisor, combine it with Susan Faludi’s “Backlash,” and you get a rough idea of what you’re in for with “Swell: A Girl’s Guide to the Good Life” (Warner Books, $23.95). Due next week, the book is a collaboration by longtime buds, fashion designer Cynthia Rowley and New York Times Deputy Style Editor Ilene Rosenzweig.

Although the word “swell” is reminiscent of eras past, the book is aimed at the unquestionably hip (or those who aspire to be). A swell girl isn’t afraid to pick up the tab. A swell girl doesn’t argue when she gets a compliment. A swell girl brings a Polaroid camera and a ribbon to dinner, and leaves a stack of photos for her hostess tied with a bow.

“In a swell world, there’re two kinds of people--those you tip and those you duke.” What’s a duke? It’s “the friendliest form of tipping: cold cash pressed in a warm handshake to people who make your life faster, smoother and friendlier but who never hand you a bill.” A swell girl is not worried that the bill will fall on the floor and make her look like an idiot. She knows to “fold a $20 bill three times so it’s small enough to be cupped in your palm. Then put out your hand and give the maitre d’ a shake like you mean it.”


He may not give you the table you want, but he’ll definitely think you’re swell.
