
Knight Cited for Hunting Accident When His Friend Is Shot in Back

Associated Press

Indiana basketball Coach Bob Knight failed to report a hunting accident and hunted without a license during an Oct. 12 expedition on which he accidentally shot a friend while hunting grouse, the state Department of Natural Resources said.

Under state law, Knight, 59, was required to report the accident to law enforcement authorities. He also didn’t have a $43 nonresident small-game license.

Knight’s friend Thomas Mikunda suffered shotgun pellet wounds to the back and upper shoulder. The wounds were not life-threatening. Knight will be cited for failure to report a hunting accident and will receive two citations for hunting without a license in 1999 and 1998. The fine for each citation is $165. Two other Knight companions will receive similar citations.


Knight told investigators he didn’t think he needed the license to hunt on private property.

An unsigned statement by Indiana University said: “This is a matter that is outside the scope of Coach Knight’s university duties. . . . The university is confident that Coach Knight will respond appropriately to resolve this matter.”
