
Books on Display, Not Packed Away

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Mary McNamara’s article on books brought tears to my eyes (“Reading the Reader,” Fall Home Design, Sept. 26). All the book lovers had one thing in common: They considered their books friends. I feel that way, too. I hate to see a book mistreated. I can’t bear to see them stored away in boxes. They should be on display, even if that means stacking them on the floor around the edges of the room. The description of how one looks forward to having a library of one’s own was great. That, too, is one of my fondest wishes. One day I will have one.

Denise Henderson-Holt

Van Nuys


Though retired on a small income, I’ve managed to cram a lifetime collection of about 3,000 books and 5,000 magazines into my small apartment. As with the well-to-do, I find it comfortable to have my collection on shelves. A small, well-chosen selection of books can be a comfort to the rich, the poor or those in between.

Marty Cantor

North Hollywood
