
Reading L.A.


Valerie Gilbert, manicurist:

“Memoirs of a Geisha”

by Arthur Golden


“This is an incredible book. I love the way Golden sets this book up, sharing with us the story of a geisha from her own perspective. So far, it’s a gripping read. “


Lisa Bowman, cabaret artist:

“The Long Gray Line”

by Rick Atkinson

(Houghton Mifflin).

“Atkinson really lets readers experience West Point in this beautifully researched book. Avoiding political comment, he depicts young men whose stout patriotism is all the more affecting for the humanness that frames their sacrifices.”


Serge Burckel, chef:

“The Heart of Coaching”

by Thomas C. Crane

(FTA Press).

“I was very nervous after opening my restaurant, and this book helped me to adapt to my new position, organize my staff, relate to customers and increase my business. It’s a very sweet book that has taught me how to put my whole heart into my business.”



Elaine Levin, art historian:

“Wild Swans”

by Jung Chang


“This is a riveting story of how political changes in China shaped three generations of women in the same family. Because this is nonfiction, it makes what happened all the more believable. You feel a great sadness for what the Chinese people went through.”
