
VALLEY ROUNDUP : Citywide : Council Approves 2 Gun Safety Reports


The City Council has unanimously approved two motions calling for reports aimed directly at gun safety and illegal firearms.

Councilman Mike Feuer introduced a measure calling for a study to look at the legality and feasibility of safety standards for all handguns sold in Los Angeles.

Councilwoman Laura Chick’s motion asked for a report to explore a comprehensive city program to round up illegal firearms.


Both reflect the continued concerns of city officials about illegal guns and improved gun safety.

Those issues--while not new in Los Angeles--have become almost a cause du jour for city politicians since the shooting death of postal worker Joseph Ileto and the attack at the Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills by alleged gunman Buford Furrow.

Feuer’s request is to explore the possibility of handgun safety requirements which would be phased in over several years.

His motion calls for a report, to be completed within 45 days, from the Police Department, the city attorney and other officials.

Feuer asked that legality, costs and practicality of several gun safety features be addressed. Among those are an indicator that shows whether a bullet is chambered in a pistol, a magazine disconnect mechanism that prevents a gun from being fired unless the magazine is completely inserted, and a mechanical lock, perhaps as simple as a combination lock, that allows only an authorized user to fire the weapon.

“There’s just no reason why guns should be sold that can be accidentally fired,” he said. “No reason why guns should be sold where children will get a hold of them and fire them themselves.”


Chick’s report directs the Los Angeles Police Department and the city attorney’s office to look at a comprehensive collection of illegal firearms in the city, including a voluntary gun buyback, mandatory seizure of illegal firearms and other options.

Chick, who represents the 3rd District, acknowledged that other municipalities have attempted such roundups and “some of them are successful and some of them flawed.”

“My motion seeks to find the very most sensible and effective way to proceed.”
