
News, Tips & Bargains : Slipless in Seattle? No Way, on This Tour


The Emerald City boasts one of the largest concentrations of houseboats in the U.S.--almost 500--and now visitors can see them with a native.

Resident houseboater Jeri Callahan offers a one-hour trip, in a motorized skiff, that features vintage cottage-style houseboats floating on cedar logs, and newer, elegant styles with multiple stories.

She starts at the south end of Lake Union, a booming area filled with restaurants, marinas and condominiums, and moves along the shore to clusters of floating homes, entertaining passengers with tales about houseboats in Seattle.


Callahan knows her stuff. She’s completing a book on the history of houseboats here and has lived on a houseboat for 11 years.

“It’s a look at a side of Seattle most people don’t even know exists,” said local resident Dorothy Lennard, 55, who brought friends from Texas for the tour.

The tour is offered April through October. From July through September, there is one tour daily at 10 a.m.; in other months, tours are by appointment. The cost is $25 per person. Tel. (206) 322-9157.
