


“Would you take a controversial performance-enhancing product like Andro if you were convinced it would help you earn a college scholarship? Why, or why not?”



Football, Fountain Valley

I don’t think I would take something like Andro or anything else to make my performances better, if something like that does make you perform better. I would rather make it with my own talent. I don’t want to use a drug to supposedly play better than someone else. I wouldn’t want a false me making it to college. I want to get there on my own. If I get a scholarship, I want it to be because I worked hard to earn it. Plus, I just don’t like drugs.


Basketball, Villa Park

I wouldn’t want to take a drug that might cause something to happen to me in the long run. I really don’t want to put something in my system now that will hurt me when I’m older. Why take a drug just for college that has the potential to mess up your future? When you look back years later when sports are all over, you’ll wonder if you could have done what you did without drugs. You want to use your own gifts, not take things like stimulants.



Los Alamitos, Golf

I would not use steroids to improve my performance. Steroids and drugs have no place in athletics. Weightlifting, training and vitamins are the preferred methods for improving performance.


El Toro, Softball

Practice and working hard makes you better, and that should stand on its own merit, plus, there are side effects that you may not know about. It’s not worth the risk. You’ll feel better knowing you earned it yourself through hard work and not outside stimulants. If you do well, people will always say it’s only because you had help, and you run the risk of losing the respect of your teammates, as well as your opponents.


I do not approve of any performance-enhancing “drugs.” Governing bodies such as the International Olympic Committe have banned andro, and for good reason. The intention of athletics was for us to compete against one another according to how we developed skills in the particular sport we participate in. This was intended to be accomplished by natural working out and good dietary input.


San Clemente


I would not take an enhancing product--even if it convinced me that I will earn a college scholarship. what does taking a product like andro teach us? Going to the gym daily, working out and having a healthy diet teaches us to be responsible and to have a healthy mind set in striving for our goals. The potential health factor is a big risk. How do you know the product will not damage your body in the future? Although doctors haven’t had enough time to research it, it is better not to take it. Just like steroids.




What is the most important sport on your campus? What makes it No. 1 at your high school?
