
A Vision for Ventura


I will never understand why the Ventura City Council continually tries to make our city into something else. They seem to think our town needs some sort of image make-over.

First, our downtown was not good enough. They wanted it to be more like Santa Barbara. Then, the mall wasn’t spiffy enough. Millions were spent on a new mall that still isn’t fully occupied.

(Am I the only one who misses Woolworth’s? Its lunch counter didn’t have to be retro because it was the real thing!)


And now the council in its bankrupt vision wants us to be like Camarillo. Pardon me if I am not thrilled at the prospect.

Our City Council will not be happy until they make Ventura into Everytown, USA. No character, no charm. Just the same big-box stores and vast wastelands of concrete one can see anywhere.


