
Touched by a Teacher


Phoebe Faulkner of John Burroughs Middle School is to be applauded for her imaginative use of the Kitty Genovese tragedy, and you are to be commended for informing the public (“How Could They?” by Kerry Madden, So SoCal, July 16). It is refreshing to read such a resoundingly positive report about what is being achieved by one teacher in the school system.

C.J. Wright



As a former student of Faulkner’s, I’ve experienced firsthand her remarkable ability to reach students. I still remember the Kitty Genovese assignment and have never forgotten Faulkner’s unconventional, effective approach toward teaching. While my fellow sixth graders were reading “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Faulkner had us immersed in “Moby Dick.” While some were reading out of textbooks, Faulkner was exposing us to a world filled with bold ideas. I came out of that class a new person, and five years later I still owe her a big “Thank you!”

Enrique Saldana

Los Angeles
