
Judge Will Rule Sept. 11 on Measure F Lawsuit


A Los Angeles judge will rule Sept. 11 on the fate of Measure F, passed in March by voters to thwart Orange County’s plans to build an airport at the closed El Toro Marine base.

Judge S. James Otero was expected to rule on the measure this week. But he delayed his ruling, notifying parties to a lawsuit challenging the initiative that they would have to wait three weeks.

The uncertainty over Measure F has been felt throughout the county’s office for planning a commercial airport at the closed base. Supervisors last month put off--again--authorizing spending on a group of lobbyists in Washington and Sacramento to push the airport plan. Measure F restricts spending to only that required to complete environmental studies.


Pro-airport forces sued after passage of Measure F, arguing that it is unconstitutional and violates state law. The measure requires a two-thirds countywide vote for final approval of airports, large jails near homes and hazardous-waste landfills.

Anti-airport forces have defended the measure, saying it properly places decisions about large land-use projects with voters instead of politicians who could be influenced by special interests.
