
Police Conduct During Convention


* Re “LAPD Ends Week With High Marks,” news analysis, Aug. 19: The only “high marks” that the Los Angeles Police Department scored in suppressing dissent during the DNC were those indiscriminately inflicted by foam rubber bullets on civil rights lawyer Carol Sobel, law professor Karl Manheim, photojournalist Al Crespo and others caught in the terrifying melee Aug. 14 created by police overreaction to a few rock throwers.

State judges have already thrown out at least 40 of the LAPD arrests and in coming weeks federal judges will decide whether the police violated constitutional rights. The LAPD does not deserve “high marks” for terrorizing the vast majority of peaceful demonstrators at a cost to taxpayers of $1.5 million per day. Any military government can keep order by mobilizing shock troops. In a democracy, it’s the sworn duty of the police to arrest individual lawbreakers and protect peaceful, nonviolent dissent.


ACLU of Southern California


Clearly, Patt Morrison (Aug. 18) was not walking in the dark at 9:15 p.m. on Aug. 17 from Staples Center to her car five blocks away. Had she been, she would have delighted in the colorful celebration of protesters, delegates and convention guests and she would have applauded Chief Bernard Parks and his many police officers for their visible presence, their impressive professionalism and their caring offers of assistance. Blessed is the city of Los Angeles for a talented police chief and his dedicated officers who enabled those of us who were on the streets that night to celebrate our diversity and express our heartfelt concerns, while knowing our Police Department was keeping us safe in the dark from the violence other cities have experienced. Our LAPD organized a show of safety.



San Marino


The LAPD kept the convention relatively safe by using what they know best--force. With the best possible opportunity to portray the city in a better light we were given thousands of armed, riot-equipped storm troopers. Mayor Riordan and Parks crowed about the results. I don’t think they get it. Now the world knows Los Angeles is really screwed up.


