
Chaos Unfolding in Your Own Backyard

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Regarding “Full of Fight,” (Nov. 29): I myself am not only a backyard wrestler, but me and my stepbrother are in charge of a backyard wrestling federation in Moorpark called CCW, which stands for Chaos Championship Wrestling.

We don’t use barbed wire; we use pizza pans to hit each other because they bend easier. We rarely use chairs, and we use tables because they break the fall and do not hurt the slightest bit.

I also wanted to thank you, because whenever the media does a special or a story on backyard wrestling--even though they are all bagging on us--we just grow in popularity.





I don’t know what’s more astounding: that parents actually let their kids beat each other with barbed-wire baseball bats and metal folding chairs in their own backyards, or that The Times would put this article on the front page of the Living section. This article served more to promote this travesty than to report it.

In response to the mother who justified this by saying that she’d rather have her kids at home participating in this than drinking or on drugs, I say I’d take the latter. I would prefer that my kids opted not to become violent, desensitized animals over any other behavior. It is unbearably sad that we are at a place in our society where any parent feels that these are the only options.


Santa Monica
