
Bruins Getting Painful to Watch

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How pathetic it is to watch another pitiful UCLA basketball performance in a game played in honor of John Wooden. It was the same old story: turnovers, missed free throws, silly fouls, poor shot selection, failure to break the press and no clock management. It all adds up to what has long been obvious: Steve Lavin is a bad coach who should be fired.

I’m sure we will hear all of the same old excuses and cliches from Mr. Lavin. What is really sad is that I’ve reached a point where I hardly care anymore. I wonder if I am the only person who feels this way.




I am not interested in berating Steve Lavin. He is such an easy target. I am interested to know if he is one of those rare individuals in a plum position who can see his limitations. Few of us can overcome ego and pride and admit we are not up to the job. In Lavin’s case, results speak for themselves. In time, if he does not resign, contempt for him will increase.



Santa Monica


At the UCLA-UC Santa Barbara game, the camera showed John Wooden. Now I know the definition of the word “anguish.”


Los Angeles
