
Subsidized Taxis Would Be a Blight

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* Re “Hail Laguna’s Taxi Experiment,” (Orange County Perspective, Dec. 3):

Lagunatics. That’s what we call ourselves, and we’re proud of it. Living here for almost 30 years, I’ve come to realize that sometimes it’s what Laguna Beach doesn’t have that makes it special.

Using OCTA funds that could be spent elsewhere is one issue, but encouraging a visual blight like subsidized taxi service will create an ersatz sophistication some of us deem unnecessary.

Roving taxis could result in an altered traffic flow, with the taxis cruising and being flagged over in dense traffic a la New York.


So while we have our hands up and waving for that cab, let’s also wave “Bye-Bye” to our formerly provincial, yet lovable, little jewel by the sea.


Laguna Beach
