
Lakers Aren’t Exactly a Problem-Free Team

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It’s time for the Lakers to recognize a painful fact: They are missing Glen Rice. The incessant sulking notwithstanding, his 15 points a game and the threat of his being able to drop in 20-25 points on any given night is something this season’s Lakers do not have and sorely need.

Instead, Kobe Bryant is trying to pick up the slack on his own, and although his efforts have been spectacular, they are plunging the team’s chemistry (and defense) into disarray.

Fortunately, it is not too late to rectify the situation. The Lakers have enough capital and expendable players to go out and get a proven third scorer--and preferably one who knows the fundamentals of good defense, isn’t afraid to pass the ball, and doesn’t have a wife who wants to meddle in team affairs.



Palos Verdes


So, for our Sunday reading pleasure [Dec. 24], Mark Heisler trots out the same old “Shaq vs. Kobe” story that we’ve been hearing about for three years. It was boring two years ago.

It’s a very simple equation: Kobe will not win a title without Shaq, and Shaq will not win a title without Kobe. ‘Nuff said. Besides, who says we’re greedy? We already have the title; we don’t have to win it all again every year. Honest.




Any NBA coach who does not order Hack-a-Shaq in the fourth quarter of a close game should be fired.


Why won’t the Lakers hire Rick Barry to teach Shaq the underhand free throw? Do they hate Rick Barry more than they want to win another NBA title? There must be politics involved.


Westlake Village


To: Shaq.

Re: Free throws.

Think rainbows, not rockets.


San Marino
