
Now, Baseball Has Spoken

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Saying that his insensitive and inappropriate remarks “offended practically every element of society,” Commissioner Bud Selig on Monday dealt John Rocker one of the harshest penalties in baseball history for a non-drug related offense.

The Atlanta Braves’ closer was suspended--with pay--until May 1 and will be prohibited from participating in spring training, which begins for the Atlanta pitchers and catchers Feb. 17.

He also was fined $20,000--the money to be paid to an Atlanta area group that sponsors diversity--and ordered to have sensitivity training.


“The terrible example set by Mr. Rocker is not what our great game is about and, in fact, is a profound breach of the social compact we hold in such high regard,” Selig said in a statement. “Major league baseball takes seriously its role as an American institution and the important social responsibility that goes with it. We will not dodge our responsibility. Mr. Rocker should understand that his remarks. . . brought dishonor to himself, his team and baseball.”

The Major League Players Assn. said it expects to file a grievance on Rocker’s behalf. It is unlikely, however, the case would be heard by an arbitrator until early or mid-March--several weeks after the start of spring training. A baseball official said the union appeal--unlike those filed in response to the disciplining of an on-field incident during the season--would not delay imposition of the spring ban.

Union associate general counsel Eugene Orza could not be reached after issuing a statement in which he cited the likelihood of a grievance and said:


“It is literally unprecedented to impose a penalty on a player for pure speech--offensive though the speech may be. That, coupled with the magnitude of the penalty, just as unprecedented, makes us optimistic about the outcome of the appeal.”

The 2 1/2-month suspension is thought to be the longest since Lenny Randle of the Texas Rangers was suspended for 30 days in March 1977 for punching his manager, Frank Lucchesi. Rocker released a statement through his agents in which he said:

“I do not believe it is appropriate that I should be harshly disciplined for my misguided speech unaccompanied by any conduct on my part.


“I have previously apologized for my unfortunate remarks and stand by my apology.”

Rocker, a 25-year-old left-hander who registered 38 saves in his first full season as the Atlanta closer, ignited a national firestorm when he was quoted in a December Sports Illustrated story saying he would never want to pitch for a New York team because riding the subway to the ballpark was like riding through Beirut and you might have to sit “next to some queer with AIDS or next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time or next to some mom with four kids.”

He said you can walk down any block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English, adding, “I’m not a very big fan of foreigners. How the hell did they get in this country?”

He also acknowledged calling a teammate a “fat monkey,” insisting he had only been kidding and was apologetic for the remark. Randall Simon, who comes from Curacao, subsequently said “the fat monkey” comment had been directed at him and that Rocker hadn’t been kidding when he made it. He said Rocker would have to issue a more sincere and genuine apology before it was accepted.

Rocker was interviewed by ESPN after the story and said he was only trying to inflict some emotional pain on New York after the emotional pain the city and its fans had inflicted on him during the National League championship series with the Mets and the World Series with the Yankees. He said he and his family had been subjected to the rawest form of verbal abuse and that a variety of objects had been thrown at him.

Of course, Rocker’s own remarks about his distaste for New York and its fans had contributed to that October response, and Manager Bobby Cox twice met with Rocker during the postseason and asked him to desist in his rhetoric, which he failed to do.

His offensive remarks in Sports Illustrated created new problems for the Braves--in the clubhouse and community.


“We believe that even after this [legal and disciplinary] process is complete, there are two hurdles that remain,” club President Stan Kasten said Monday.

“John still has to reconcile himself with his teammates, and he has to reconcile himself with the community. It’s not automatic, but I think it’s possible with the right effort and attitude.”

General Manager John Schuerholz, concerned about clubhouse chemistry, said he recently met with seven of his players who seemed “willing to welcome him back with conditions, willing to give him a chance at redemption. I believe his teammates are prepared to stand by him, while they also believe he should receive this discipline.”

Similarly, club executive Henry Aaron, who initially said Rocker should be traded, recently met with the apologetic pitcher and said he was willing to give him a second chance, echoing owner Ted Turner’s position.

Under Selig’s directive, barring an arbitration decision that overturns it, Rocker will be allowed to begin spring training April 3, when the Braves open the season, and he will be permitted to pitch in minor league games before May 1. His absence during the first month could be costly for the Braves, although they expect Kerry Ligtenberg, who was the closer before requiring elbow surgery last year, will be 100% in April.

In announcing his decision, Selig did not reveal results of the psychological evaluation Rocker recently underwent as part of the Employee Assistance Plan and a first response to his comments in Sports Illustrated.


“Those results are confidential,” a baseball official said.


The Rocker Suspension

John Rocker was suspended until May 1 by Commissioner Bud Selig on Monday for racial and ethnic remarks that “offended practically every element of society.”

The Atlanta Braves’ reliever also was fined $20,000 and ordered to undergo sensitivity training for disparaging foreigners, homosexuals and minorities in a magazine interview.

The players’ association is expected to file a grievance over the penalty, one of the harshest levied against a player for an action not related to drug use.

A grievance would force the matter before Shaym Das, the sport’s new independent arbitrator.

With the season to start April 3, the suspension technically is to last 28 days. A suspension will not affect this salary, expected to be between $200,000 and $300,000.

Prominent Non-Drug Player Suspensions


Lifetime: Jack Molinas, gambling

68 games: Latrell Sprewell, attacking coach

26 games: Kermit Washington, fighting


22 years: Billy Taylor, gambling

22 years: Don Galinger, gambling

21 games: Dale Hunter, unsportsmanlike conduct


Lifetime: Joe Jackson (and seven teammates), gambling*

24 games: John Rocker, racial remarks

*Note: In its history, major league baseball has suspended 15 individuals for life for gambling.



1 year: Alex Karras, Paul Horung, gambling
