
Police Chief Says Comments Misused


Comments made during his unsuccessful 1998 bid for Orange County sheriff were improperly used in a mailer supporting Measure F on the March 7 ballot, Santa Ana Police Chief Paul M. Walters said Friday.

Walters said the use of his photograph and comments about future jail needs in the “Yes on Measure F” brochure imply that he supports the measure, though he has taken no public position.

Walters said he has refrained from commenting on Measure F because he is not an elected official. Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido and the City Council voted unanimously this week--with Councilman Ted Moreno abstaining--to oppose the ballot measure.


Yes on F spokesman Len Kranser said Walters’ quote was germane to the mailer, which argued that large jails are not good public policy--particularly near homes.

“We’ve been very careful in our materials not to imply that he’s supporting Measure F,” Kranser said.

Measure F would require approval by two-thirds of voters before county officials could build or expand airports, large jails near homes and hazardous-waste landfills. It was written by South County cities opposed to county plans for a commercial airport at the El Toro Marine base, which closed in July.
