
Prop. 26

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I am voting no on Prop. 26. The proponents of Prop. 26 say that passing Prop. 26 will mean more accountability and more and better classrooms, resulting smarter children. The only thing Prop. 26 will do is lower the bar by which we approve school bond measures from a two-thirds majority to a simple 50% plus one.

School districts in California know now that if they want a bond issue to pass, they’d better specify in the measure what the money will be spent on.

One last thought. If 26 passes and no bond money can be spent on administration, how is a school district going to pay for the two required audits each year, when they don’t have enough money for clean restrooms and classrooms?





* Prop. 26 will allow a simple majority to pass new bonds and raise taxes. Not only will homeowners face increased taxes, renters will face increased rents to pay for the higher property taxes. If we pass Prop. 26 we must also have rent control so we don’t all end up on the street.

We all want improved schools for our children, but why not cut the expensive nonteaching staffs instead of raising taxes?


Santa Ynez
