
Critic Couldn’t Stand a Wee Bit of Criticism


For everyone who has ever been on the wrong side of a stinker review, a fundamental question was answered in last Monday’s Calendar section: No, critics who dish it out indeed can’t take it (“Actors vs. Critics Drama Devolves to Critic vs. Critic,” June 26).

Charles Marowitz, critic and playwright, reacts to a bad review from Michael Phillips with a scathing article of his own, attacking Phillips’ credentials, intelligence and objectivity. Funny, I thought the guy who ripped my last show was the soul of wisdom and kindness.

Mr. Marowitz, lo though we would like to, artist types don’t have the luxury of telling critics on which part of a show they should focus, or whether the prospects of the theater space are germane to the discussion, or whether “sniveling” is the mot juste in describing the actors’ panache.


Further, those with a little self-restraint refrain from answering back, much less taking out an article in the newspaper to extend the bloodletting. When it comes to critics, we defer to the knowing words of the harried carpool mom with brats acting up in the back seat: “Don’t encourage them.”

P.S. If his zingers directed at Phillips are a fair representation of Marowitz’s wit, I’m guessing the bad review was fully justified. But then, what do I know? I’m only a reader.


Pacific Palisades
