
Web Site Offers Advice on Renting With Pets

From Inman News Features

Snoopie may be the most lovable cat around, and Bo might be the most responsible golden retriever, but landlords cast a wary eye at pets.

The Honolulu-based Hawaiian Humane Society addresses this dichotomy through its “Renting With Pets: The Online Resource for Rental Managers and Pet

Owners,” at

About 6.5 million homeless animals could find shelter if all U.S. rental housing units allowed pets, according to the site. And landlords who don’t allow pets are a leading reason given by people relinquishing their animals to shelters.


The site has information for rental managers and tips for house-hunting pet owners in a short, sweet and to-the-point style.

The site addresses landlords and managers, targeting their wallets rather than their hearts with questions like: “Is your no-pets policy costing you money?” or “You don’t have to lose the opportunity to have this market share . . . just because they have pets.”

Several sub-categories include a monetary look at why a pets-OK policy “makes cents,” a step-by-step process for rental managers to develop effective policies and getting the word out about pet-friendly housing.

A renter’s perspective is offered, giving animal lovers solid and concise information on landing the perfect place with their pets with a step-by-step process for house-hunting, moving tips and resources for making the transition easier.

Templates for pet resumes, as well as a pet-health checklist, are available.
