
Fund-Raiser Teaches Kids to Help Others


Long lines of children made their way into the Sports Center Bowl on Monday, determined to score more than a few points.

Most of the preschoolers from the Rose Engel Early Childhood Center at Adat Ari El could not even carry the bowling ball. They held it with both hands and dropped it, lucky enough to hit a few pins. But nobody really cared about the rules or competitive spirit.

More than 200 students of the Jewish preschool in Studio City bowled most of the morning, hoping to raise about $4,000 for a scholarship fund that will help other children attend the school, which costs from $400 to $600 a month.


“Not everybody can afford to come here,” said Tzivia Schwartz, a member of the parent organization. “We want to help in every way we can.”

Students, parents and teachers participate in fund-raising events year-round, but this has been the most fun, organizers said.

The school raised about $30,000 in 1999; the funds benefited 40 families, said school director Judy Kapler.

“The kids are having fun, but we don’t want them to feel they are just being used to raise money,” Schwartz said. “But they need to know that there are always other people who do not have as much as we do.”

Monday was the first time 4-year-old Phillip Braun got a chance to give back. His mother, Sandra, 31, walked around her Studio City neighborhood asking friends, neighbors and relatives to donate 20 cents for every pin Phillip knocked down.

“It looks like we are going to do pretty good,” she said. “He is scoring lots of points.”

Four-year-old Micah Getzug scored 41 points within two hours.

“It’s for tzedakah,” he said, Hebrew for charity. “I’m playing so children can come to my school.”
