
Violent Media and Good Parenting


* Re “The Pied Piper of Violent Media Has a Hold on Our Children,” Commentary, Sept. 15:

I’m amused, but not surprised, at how the FTC report on selling violence to kids has given parents yet another scapegoat for their bad parenting. Don’t parents like Patricia Ramsey understand that their children being “targets of deliberate marketing strategies” should be no match for good parenting? Of course not, because the parents of today are too anxious to cater to their child’s every whim. Sadly, the concepts of strong discipline and rules have gone out the window.




Let’s not blame the movie industry totally, let us as parents open our eyes and recognize that we need to take back control of our children. We are too busy and self-centered to see that we are contradicting ourselves by allowing our children to view movies that promote and glorify sex and violence, when through our homes and schools we are teaching safe sex, nonviolent behaviors and drug-free lifestyles. This huge contradiction of values leaves our children confused and bewildered. We need to get back in the driver’s seat and stand by our values.

The only thing the movie industry is guilty of is capitalizing on our weaknesses as parents.


