
All Arguments Stop When This Dog Puts His Foot Down


Road rage comes in many forms. Journalist Henk Friezer may have seen a canine variation in South Pasadena.

A car that was stopped at a red light blocked a crosswalk at Monterey Road and Meridian Avenue. A man walking his tiny dog through the crosswalk yelled at the driver and the two men began to argue.

Suddenly, Friezer said, the little pooch raised its leg and relieved itself on the driver’s car. The dog owner kicked the car for good measure.


The enraged driver leaped out of his car and began to charge “when the dog raised its leg again,” said Friezer. The driver stopped.

The incident ended predictably. “The light changed,” Friezer said, “and everyone started honking. The guy got back in his car and drove away.”

DELAYS, YES...: But we would expect better spelling on this Santa Ana road sign (see photo).


OPEN WIDE: In the Stupid Dental Tricks category, you may recall that Holly Fincher of Westminster reported that the driver in front of her on one morning commute brushed his teeth for several minutes--without ever spitting.

Well, another reader may have encountered the same guy. This reader heard a man advise a yawning co-worker, “When you get sleepy, brush your teeth and it’ll wake you up.”


SUITE SURPRISE: Don Fawcett of Brentwood received two campaign mailers from the same room (Suite 4510) in the same Flower Avenue building--one from the Coalition for Senior Citizens Security, the other from the John F. Kennedy Alliance.


The strange part was they backed different slates, the seniors coalition endorsing Joel Wachs for mayor, the Kennedy alliance endorsing Antonio Villaraigosa.

Fawcett commented: “Must be a lot going on in that single room.”

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083; by fax at (213) 237-4712; by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A., 90012; and by e-mail at
