
BEST BETS Friday 4/27





Lex de Azevedo’s oratorio “Hosanna: The Life of Christ: Part III” will receive its West Coast premiere at the Crystal Cathedral. Third in a series of oratorios by de Azevedo about the life of Jesus, “Hosanna” will draw on a chorus of 200 singers, including his own choir from Salt Lake City. Other choruses will include the Southern California Mormon Choir, the Anaheim Mormon Choir and the San Diego Vocal Arts chorale. The world premiere of the work took place on Sept. 3 in Jerusalem.

* “Hosanna: The Life of Christ: Part III,” Crystal Cathedral, 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove. 8 p.m. $25 to $40. (626) 960-4861.




A citywide showcase of the arts and local artists will take place during the 37th annual “A Night in Fullerton.” Events will include free music, art and dance programs at 11 locations throughout the city. Among the official sites are Fullerton Museum Center, Muckenthaler Cultural Center, the Village Art Center and Theatre Whereabouts. Galleries, studios, schools and colleges also will participate. Visitors to the Nouveau Chamber Ballet can preview new works choreographed by Ballet founder Lois Ellyn, who performed with the New York City Ballet under George Balanchine. A free bus service will be available to all sites.


* “A Night in Fullerton,” starting at the Fullerton Museum Center and Downtown Plaza, 301 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton. 7-11 p.m. Free. (714) 738-6575.



Pop Music

The Ramones are no more, and now Joey Ramone has gone to the great mosh pit in the sky, but the band’s spirit lives on in 1,000 other groups that are happy to crash and bash out their own spirited pop-punk. Costa Mesa-based Dodge Dart, one of O.C.’s shining examples of Ramones-inspired outfits, brings its roaring--and roaringly funny--adrenaline-charged music to the Gypsy Lounge.

* Dodge Dart, Gypsy Lounge, 23600 Rockfield Road, Lake Forest. With Sunchild, Squatcho. 8:45 p.m. $8. (949) 689-9722.
