
Council Upholds Veto of Campaign Reform


Voting 12 to 2, the Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday upheld Mayor James K. Hahn’s veto of a measure that would have shortened the amount of time during which candidates can raise money for their campaigns.

Instead, the council agreed to work with Hahn to come up with a more comprehensive approach to campaign finance reform.

“You ask Americans what is the most corrupting thing about politics, they have the impression, rightly or wrongly, that somehow money corrupts politics,” said Councilman Eric Garcetti, who urged his colleagues to uphold the veto.


“I don’t think that we need to add more fertilizer on this steaming compost heap of cynicism around this country. We have the responsibility to do something which will be comprehensive.”

Council members Cindy Miscikowski and Joel Wachs voted against sustaining Hahn’s veto because, they said, the measure--though not perfect--was a step in the right direction.

“If we don’t override, it will be election 2005 before we can implement any reforms,” Miscikowski said.
