
Hard Work Deserves Some Paid Time Off


Re “Don’t We All Deserve a Month’s Vacation?,” Aug. 13:

Yes, teachers do get time off during the summer or at other times if working a year-round schedule.

But teachers are only paid only for the nine months they work. Teachers are not paid for the time they are off. Please get that fact straight.

My mother has been a teacher for more than over 20 years and never was paid when she was off. She was required to work before school was in session to get things ready as well as working after school was out for the summer to pack and clean up. That was without being paid.


As a registered nurse I was required to use my vacation time for the first two days of an illness. Only if the illness lasted more than two days was I allowed to use sick time.

Those facts reflect a sad state for two fine professions, which require many hours of work, many hours of education and many hours of dedication.

I agree that as hard-working Americans we deserve more paid time off. Not necessarily a whole month at one time, but time off in chunks throughout the year. Rest is an important health issue, mental as well as physical.

Robin Kassir

San Clemente
