


Speedy Service: “In Cologne, Germany, in an effort to get the prostitutes off the streets, city officials there have built the first drive-in brothel.... Boy, you thought Americans were lazy. You already have drive-in wedding chapels. You’ve got drive-in funeral homes. Now drive-in brothels?.... You can complete the entire cycle of life without ever leaving your car.”

(Jay Leno)

Dinner Time: “A Kraft survey [finds] the family dinner is alive. Nearly half of all families spend at least 45 minutes preparing dinner. That includes at least 30 minutes at the deli waiting for your number to be called and another 10 minutes trying to open those little plastic packets of ketchup.”

(Kenny Noble Cortes)

Job Hazards: “In Holland, where prostitution is legal, 20,000 sex workers there are trying to form a union. You know what that means? If you’re in Holland and you have sex with a prostitute and she throws her back out, you can now get stuck for six months of workmen’s compensation.” (Leno)


Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, 90012.
