
And Another Thing


People should not have to sit through commercials after purchasing movie tickets.

“Coming Attractions” are an accepted part of moviegoing. (In some cases they may be the most entertaining part of the show.) However, running commercials for software and car companies makes people feel taken advantage of.

Advertising on television is acceptable because the programming is free. Granted, you have to pay to get cable, but rabbit ears still work. You really don’t need to pay for television. The price you pay for watching is to sit through marketing execs’ attempts to make you spend money.

It’s bad enough to feel ripped off after paying nearly $10 for a ticket and $3.50 for a soda, but to be forced to sit though loud, unavoidable advertisements is not fair.


We already pay cash to theaters to entertain us. We shouldn’t have to pay with our time and attention as well.


Los Angeles
