
A Helpless Moose Calf, Unwilling to Leave His Dead Mother, Is Rescued

Associated Press

The moose found loose on the Palouse is recovering.

The 7-month-old moose was found last week alongside his dead mother in a wheat field near the town of Dusty, about 60 miles south of Spokane.

“The Palouse is the weirdest place in the world for a moose,” said Madonna Luers, spokeswoman for the state Department of Fish and Wildlife in Spokane. Moose do not eat the wheat stubble that covers the rolling, treeless hills in eastern Washington.

“He was in the middle of a moose desert,” Luers said. “He would have to have traveled a long ways to get to forage.”


Wildlife experts believe the moose wandered onto the Palouse from Moscow Mountain in Idaho, about 25 miles to the east.

Dusty was refusing to leave his mother’s side and was trying to suckle, Luers said.

“It was pretty pathetic,” she said.
