
Access to Griffith Is a Walk in the Park


Re “Maintain Access to Griffith Park,” letter, July 19: I find Griffith Park has almost unlimited access for hikers. Before the roads were closed, people would drive by throwing out beer cans and bottles and every other type of trash. The place had people going through, painting sides of cliffs, trees and just about anything else they could drive to. Since the closure of the roads, the park has improved way beyond any of our expectations.

If anyone would like to see the real beauty of the park, I would suggest meeting with the Griffith Park section of the Sierra Club, which leads two-hour hikes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (and on several Saturdays and Fridays during the month). The meeting place is at the upper merry-go-round parking lot at 7 p.m. As a leader for this group on Wednesday night for the last 20 years, I look forward to showing anyone the beauty of this park. The hikes are free.

Michael Sandford

Thousand Oaks
