
Coverage of Cup Was Av Empty


I would like to take this time to thank the Kings for allowing Rob Blake to win a Stanley Cup. Unfortunately, he won it in Colorado and not in L.A. As a longtime King fan it looks as if the only way I’m going to see King players win a Stanley Cup is when they’re traded to other teams.

The other side of the coin is that they could be like the Dodgers, spend all their money and still be mediocre.

Michael Katz

Monterey Park


Probably the biggest story to come out of the Stanley Cup playoffs in decades, and no picture of 22-year veteran Ray Bourque finally holding the Stanley Cup over his head in Sunday’s Sports section.


It’s a good thing you had that big picture of Jennifer Capriati on the front page, though. I had forgotten what she looked like from last week.

Michael R. Finley

Marina del Rey
