
Five Las Vegas Hotels Add Energy Surcharge

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Lights, camera ... surcharge! Five hotels in the perpetually illuminated world of Las Vegas this month began applying an energy surcharge of $3 per room per night. The hotels are Bally’s Las Vegas, Caesars Palace, the Flamingo, Las Vegas Hilton and Paris Las Vegas.

Park Place Entertainment Corp., which runs the hotels, cited “unprecedented increased energy costs” for its action. Officials said they have tried to conserve through measures such as energy-efficient lighting. As for the neon, some Park Place hotels are turning it off between 3 and 6 a.m. “Beyond that, we don’t want to diminish the visual excitement,” a spokeswoman said, contending neon uses “minimal” kilowatts. Citing the comfort needs of guests, regular air-conditioning levels are being maintained in public areas, she added.

Compiled by JANE ENGLE
