
Hayden Cancels Fund-Raiser at Hustler Offices


City Council candidate Tom Hayden announced Monday that he has canceled a fund-raiser that had been planned for the offices of Hustler magazine, citing concerns over the event becoming a “media circus.”

Hayden, a former state senator from Westwood, had come under fire last week from opponent Jack Weiss in the 5th District race for planning a fund-raiser in the office of Larry Flynt, who publishes the pornographic magazine.

“News stories published over the weekend will no doubt increase media attention on a scale that makes it advisable to cancel the Flynt fund-raiser,” said Rocky Rushing, Hayden’s campaign manager.


Hayden had defended the fund-raiser last week, saying that he had cleared it with feminist supporters and that although he had concerns about the content of Hustler magazine, he respected Flynt as a free-speech advocate.

Hayden repeated those positions Monday, but Rushing said he was concerned that the event would eclipse the debate between Hayden and Weiss over women’s rights.

Hayden criticized Weiss last month for saying that he needed more information before agreeing in a questionnaire that he supports the Equal Rights Amendment. Weiss said the questionnaire was confusing, and he later told leaders of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women that he supports the amendment.

On Monday, Weiss campaign manager Susan Shaw said the cancellation will not end the controversy.

“His choice of where to hold the fund-raiser raises questions,” Shaw said. “Why did he choose Hustler in the first place? It’s troubling, particularly when you consider Hustler’s portrayal of women and children in a very demeaning way.”

Meanwhile, Shaw announced Monday that Weiss has received endorsements from two prominent women--City Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski and Police Commission President Raquelle de la Rocha.
