
More Than the Name Is Likely to Change


Re “Secession Will Hurt Poor Most, Panel Told,” May 18: I agree with Deputy Mayor Bill Violante’s summation before a panel of religious and civic leaders that the proposal to break the San Fernando Valley away from Los Angeles will hurt all residents, especially the poor.

It is highly probable that a seceded Valley will pay 30% higher water rates due to ordinance 170435, providing for a surcharge on water service outside of the city of Los Angeles. The city charter gives the city the legal right to increase electricity rates for customers outside of the city, although traditionally it has not done so. Residents in a seceded Valley will probably pay more for police and fire protection and other services, not to mention the annual $68-million alimony payment to the city of Los Angeles. Higher property taxes and financial hardship are in store for Valley residents, especially the poor, if the Valley secedes.

Meiling Dai




Re “Like, It Needs a Name,” Commentary, May 17: Dos Angeles, Valleyville, Tarzanaland, Lake Balboaburg or even Sin Fernando City or Sin Valley (the last two in deference to the Valley’s status as No. 1 producer of porno films) are some of the names I’d suggest for a new Valley city.

Even though Valley secession is as good an idea as deregulating California power, L.A. taxpayers supplying a new stadium for the Raiders or terminating a subway before it really gets going, the recent Times commentary makes a point. Without a name, how can a Valley city be envisioned?

As appealing as those other names are, my preference for the new city name is “Vanusia,” with its echo of the lovely and centrally located Valley community/government center currently in existence. Mostly, I like this choice because we’d be referred to Vanusians.

After all, many on the south side of the hill already consider anyone from the Valley to be from another planet.

Julie Beezley

Van Nuys

What to call a new Valley city? Easy: Los Angeles Adjacent.

Kurt Weldon

