
Dialing Up a Cell Phone That Works Worldwide


Regarding James Gilden’s Travel Insider column (“International Cell Phones Present a Wireless Tangle,” Oct. 14): I experienced the same dilemma of trying to find a single cell phone I could use everywhere in the world.

I have almost solved the problem with Nextel’s Motorola phones. Mine works in the U.S., in all GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) areas and in Latin America. The only places I haven’t been able to use it are Japan (which has always had a different standard) and Russia (where, for “security reasons,” my phone wouldn’t connect).

My 310-area code number works anywhere in the world. Anyone with an Internet connection who knows my phone number can send me a 256-character message that will be displayed on the phone.


Interestingly, the worst reception I have on this phone anywhere in the world is in Malibu, which is just on the edge of the Nextel service area.


