
Berman Responds on Redistricting


Re “The Politics of Pusillanimity in the Valley,” Commentary, Oct. 7: I don’t care what Frank del Olmo thinks. But I take exception when he degrades the memory of Cesar Chavez. Chavez’s lifelong crusade, which continues today through the efforts of his union, the United Farm Workers of America, is dedicated to fighting for adequate working conditions and a living wage for workers in the fields who do the backbreaking job of picking the crops that ultimately feed the world. Far from being irrelevant, the UFW is a strong and respected voice in the halls of Congress and Sacramento, pressing for justice for all people, for Latinos and Anglos, for legal immigrants and the exploited.

Del Olmo claims he never received responsive answers concerning the redistricting plans. That’s because he never contacted me! I can only assume he failed to contact Assemblyman Tony Cardenas (D-Sylmar) or the other members of the Legislature’s Latino caucus who voted for the redistricting plans.

Del Olmo is advocating for the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund’s racially motivated, nonsubstantive lawsuit. He engages in character assassination against Cardenas and, by implication, the overwhelming majority of the elected representatives of the Latino community.


It is ironic that Michael Ramirez’s political cartoon appeared next to the Del Olmo column. Ramirez cleverly spoofed Osama bin Laden for his religious and racial intolerance and hypocrisy. All Americans should reject attempts by people who want to divide us along racial lines. I know Cesar Chavez would have.

Rep. Howard L. Berman

D-Mission Hills
