
2 More Diluted Drugs Found

Associated Press

Two more cancer drugs were found to be diluted at a pharmacy where a drug-tampering investigation is being conducted, the FBI said Wednesday.

Pharmacist Robert Courtney, 48, has pleaded not guilty to 20 counts of tampering with, adulterating and misbranding the chemotherapy drugs Gemzar and Taxol.

Tests conducted by the FDA on the drugs Neupogen and Roferon, both used in cancer treatments, found the drugs to be diluted as well, the FBI said Wednesday. Both drugs also are used to treat leukemia, while Neupogen has been used to treat AIDS.


The samples were obtained from a doctor’s office and a patient who had received the drugs from the pharmacy.

No new charges have been filed as a result of the tests, FBI spokesman Jeff Lanza said.

Prosecutors have said Courtney told investigators he diluted some cancer medications destined for one doctor’s patients out of greed. But he has denied diluting prescriptions he filled for the patients of other doctors, prosecutors said.

Courtney is being held without bond. His trial is scheduled for Feb. 4.
