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What: “Beyond the Glory”

Where: Fox Sports Net, Sunday, 8 p.m.

You no doubt know about the Kurt Warner fairy tale, about how an arena league quarterback went from stocking grocery store shelves to being named most valuable player of the Super Bowl. And now, on the first day of the NFL season, you’ll learn even more about him in this segment of Fox Sports Net’s documentary series.

This one-hour show takes viewers back to his high school days in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and through his college days at Northern Iowa and his love affair with his wife Brenda.


The story has all the elements--tragedy, hardship and eventual triumph.

The tragedy came when Brenda’s parents were killed by a tornado in Arkansas. The hardship came when Warner had to take the grocery store job and was making $5.50 an hour. “The blanket we ate on was the blanket we slept on,” Brenda says.

And, as anyone familiar with Warner’s story might expect, religion plays a major role. Kurt and Brenda talk openly about abstaining from sex for a year even though they lived together. They did it because of their religious beliefs.
