
M. Emmet Walsh

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* The actor stars in the new HBO series “The Mind of the Married Man.”

Enough Tragedy: I’m in Culver City, so on Friday I’ll meander down to the Marina to the movie theater there and try to catch a show late at night, when there are fewer people around. I like to see something that makes me think a little bit. It’s got to be a comedy, though. I’ve got enough tragedy in my own life.

The Jock: Saturday I’ll go play golf at 8 a.m. at Manchester, a golf course over in Westchester. I have a little money game we play. The course is run by nice people, and it’s not very long and has a good putting green and driving range. I’m a relatively good golfer. I lettered in four sports in high school and college, so I’m still a failed jock. I’m also just starting kayaking classes at the UCLA Aquatic Center at the Marina. They have everything down there, and you can take classes and have access to their equipment. Warming Up: Sunday I’ll go to a little deli in Culver City, Roll and Rye, on Jefferson, for breakfast. It’s a nice family deli and well known in Culver City. It’s been there for 30 years or more. The pictures on the wall are from the great days of MGM, when Culver City was the heart of the film business. The food is very good, and the waitresses are very nice. I’d go in on Sunday morning and have the New York Times and the L.A. Times and order a big old omelet.

On a Roll: I’d come home and hop on the bicycle and get on the bike path over on Overland, and in seven miles I’m at the Marina, and I can cruise down to the Manhattan Beach Pier. I’ll walk out on the pier and get a popcorn and a Coke and turn around going against the wind and come home. Round trip it’s about 20 miles.


Movie and a Dinner: I always finish Sunday by going over to the Academy of Motion Picture [Arts and Sciences] to see a movie, and then go to Orso’s on 3rd Street, right by Cedars-Sinai, because it’s open late. Everything closes so early around here, but Orso’s will still be open.
