
Man Killed After His Car Allegedly Hits Deputy

From Times Staff Reports

A man who allegedly backed a stolen car into a sheriff’s deputy while trying to flee was shot to death early Tuesday by another deputy, authorities said.

Eddie Dominguez, 27, died about 2:10 a.m. outside the Travel Inn Motel in the 11100 block of Whittier Boulevard, said Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Sonia Parra. A woman in the car was questioned but was not arrested. An assault rifle was recovered from the car, Parra said.

A deputy had stopped the driver in the parking lot after he spotted the rifle, Parra said. Other deputies ordered the man and woman out of the car, she said.


The suspect then started backing the car up, Parra said. Deputies struggled with the man through the window, she said. A deputy was struck, then other deputies opened fire, Parra said. The injured deputy was not seriously hurt.
