
Antiwar words


WHY did you consign the article on the formation of the Win Without War Coalition to the Calendar section (“Speaking Against War,” by Hilary E. MacGregor, Dec. 10)? The A section front page carried a center article and two references to “related stories” reporting on the administration’s unilateral march toward war in Iraq but no mention of this newest organization in the burgeoning opposition.

The press dutifully reports the administration line and utterly fails to look behind the doublespeak. The press is complicitous. The argument is about whether you bomb, not when you bomb. Please afford the antiwar movement equal coverage.

Katherine Butts Warwick

Los Angeles


THERE is a trend to make movies using animation technology. The technology is improving daily. Soon Hollywood will be able to create characters that will be so lifelike that moviegoers will not be able to tell the difference between a digitalized star and a living, breathing one. Since the digitalized characters will work more cheaply and will not spend all their spare time bellyaching about how rotten this country is, the real actors, actresses, singers and comedians will be replaced by “ones and zeros.”


This trend worries me. If these stars are replaced, there won’t be anyone left to correctly determine U.S. foreign policy.

Jim Ramsdell

