
Red Cross’ Neutrality on Words Is Misguided


Re “Red Cross Word Ban Keeps Students Off Stage,” March 10:

Three cheers for Orange County High School of the Arts chorale director Cherilyn Bacon for pulling her group out of a Red Cross volunteer recognition awards performance when the Red Cross official in charge barred the group from singing a medley of songs that included the words “God” and “prayer.”

Hang your head in shame, Red Cross. Save your postage; don’t send me any more solicitations for funds.

Perhaps the Red Cross should petition Congress to have all reference to God removed from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.


Jerry Mazenko

Garden Grove


The words “God” and “prayer” might offend some of those attending a Red Cross luncheon given by the Orange County chapter. “We must be neutral and impartial,” stated Rebecca Long, chapter spokesperson.

I don’t know about the luncheon guests, but I was offended and angered.

Two of the songs are held in high esteem by Americans, right up there with the national anthem. To find those to be offensive to anyone who loves our country is beyond belief.

Helen Sisemore

Los Alamitos


To heck with the Orange County Red Cross. They discriminate against American patriotism and will therefore never get another dime from me. God bless America.

Charles Jenner

Los Alamitos
