


A consumer’s guide to the best and worst of sports media and merchandise. Ground rules: If it can be read, heard, observed, viewed, dialed or downloaded, it’s in play here. One exception: No products will be endorsed.


What: “Stay Tuned: Television’s Unforgettable Moments”

Author: Joe Garner

Publisher: Andrews McMeel

Price: $49.95

This slick, 181-page coffee table book reviews 35 of the most memorable moments in television history, and 11 of them come from the world of sports. The book, which comes with two CDs and a 150-minute DVD attached inside the front cover, is the latest multimedia-genre creation by Joe Garner of Encino.

His other works include “And the Crowd Goes Wild,” “We Interrupt This Broadcast,” and “And the Fans Roared,” all of which made the New York Times best-seller list.


About one-third is devoted to classic television programs, one-third to news events and one-third to sports. Narrating the CDs and DVD are Dick Van Dyke, Walter Cronkite and Bob Costas.

The first of the sports segments is a look back at ABC’s “Wide World of Sports.” Then comes a review of home run records set by Roger Maris, Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds.

The third segment is on the black-power protest at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, the fourth is on the 1968 “Heidi Game,” in which the end of a thrilling game between the Oakland Raiders and New York Jets was interrupted by a showing of the children’s movie.

The other sports events featured are all well-known. So are the nonsports events, such as the “Vitameatavegamin” episode of “I Love Lucy.”

What you have here is something that puts everything together -- in print, in a DVD, and on two audio CDs. All contain original interviews and first-hand accounts from people directly involved.

-- Larry Stewart
