
Prop. 50 Is Not Only About Clean Water


Re “Proposition 50 Is Good for Beaches, Wetlands,” Aug. 18:

A letter from the head of the Bolsa Chica Land Trust attempts to screen out the obvious facts as reported by The Times on Aug. 4, that money from Prop. 50 will be spent to acquire land from major corporations which, in return, will realize windfall profits on the sale of troublesome holdings. He states that the Yes on 50 campaign “welcomes any organization or developer to join in seeing that Proposition 50 is voted into law by the citizens of California.” Of course they do--without the more than $1 million put up so far by theses same interests just to gather signatures, the rip-off would never had made it to the printer.

Landowners have a perfect right to make huge contributions to a measure that, if passed, will result in a quantum boost to their corporate coffers. One of the problems is that these same millions in campaign donations will be spent in trying to fool the voter that the proposition is about Clean Water. I doubt that California voters want to have the state’s general fund raided for these bailouts.

Thomas C. Rogers

San Juan Capistrano
