
Opening Hollywood’s Dialogue Over Israel


Prominent Jews in Hollywood pay $10,000 in blood money to hear Benjamin Netanyahu spout a message that can best be summed up as “Kill ‘em all.” And then they wonder how they can better market Israel to America (“In Hollywood, a Small Break in the Silence on Israel,” by Rachel Abramowitz, Sept. 25).

When will these people realize that the best thing they can do for Israel is to show how [Ariel] Sharon and Hamas make each other possible and probable? As long as Israelis run a de facto apartheid system, Palestinian extremists will attack them and democratic voices in Palestine will be silenced.

Unfortunately, only prominent Jews in Hollywood can afford to say these things to an Israel they profess to love. Why? Because a non-Jew would immediately be called anti-Semitic and put on a blacklist every bit as severe as the one 50 years ago.



Santa Monica


Rachel Abramowitz quotes a Hollywood producer as saying there would be “an outpouring” of support if Iraq were to attack Israel. I have news for him: It would be too little, too late. Israel is under attack now, and Iraq has played a part in keeping the fires burning.

The media in the Muslim world and in Europe have spared no effort to minimize Israel’s suffering and to excuse murder of civilians by the Palestinian terror groups. The silence from Hollywood’s mega-millionaires has been deafening.




This is not a time for Jews to tell Israel how to run its country nor to dictate politics. This is not a time for us to divide ourselves and pit Jew against Jew. This is a time for solidarity.

This is a time when Hollywood could produce films that educate and teach tolerance while supporting whatever democratically elected leader is running the government during a crucial time. The silence of Hollywood is deafening. This is the time to put your money where your heart is.


Valley Glen
