
Washington’s Reaction to Israeli Security Fence


Re “U.S. May Punish Israel for Building Fence in W. Bank,” Aug. 5: The Bush administration and the press are deeply concerned that Israel is building its fence to protect civilians from bombing attacks in the wrong place.

Is anyone concerned that the Palestinian leadership has clearly spelled out that it has absolutely no intention of dismantling terrorist organizations, although this is the first requirement of the “road map”? No, that’s being swept under the rug. Once again, it’s the Israelis who are blamed for the lack of progress toward peace.

Deborah Koken

Costa Mesa


I thought I detected in Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a touch of tremble when he met with George Bush. And now it turns out Bush is set to penalize Israel big bucks for defying him on the “security fence.” Let’s see, a $50-million forfeit would be less than 1% of the $9 billion in loan guarantees we just gave Israel.


John C. LaMonte

Eagle Rock


Our administration stated repeatedly that Israel has every right to protect its citizens. Does that mean protect them when and how we tell you? Otherwise no allowance? OK. Every superpower has the right to say that. Now what about the Palestinian Authority? Doesn’t the “road map” provide heavy subsidies there?

Also, the same road map requires dismantling terror groups -- Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, etc. -- which not only hasn’t happened but which the Arabs refuse to do. It would seem no more than logical for the U.S. to cut off funding to the PA until and unless those terms are met.

Rabbi Baruch Cohon

Los Angeles
