
Warnings Preceded Santa Monica Tragedy


Re “A Stumble Is Far Removed From a Kick,” Commentary, Dec. 9: Professor Joshua Dressler asks what blameworthy choices did George Weller, the 86-year-old who plowed into the Santa Monica Farmers’ Market and killed 10, make. I would like to know that too, by bringing him to trial and asking him if he had ever considered giving up driving (there was evidence that day of his running away from an accident) and if that had ever happened before. There was a video of his negligent driving.

I would also like to ask his family if they had been concerned about his continuing to drive and if they had discussed this with him. I do feel his family may also have some responsibility here. Most family members are reluctant to take definitive action regarding a parent’s driving.

Theresa McGowan

Santa Monica


What does Dressler, from Ohio, have to do with California motor vehicle law? Nothing. You do the public and the grieving relatives a disservice by failing to mention one very cogent point: Weller had already had a “Weller” moment when he plowed his car into his own garage. It is a very tragic incident that can only be made worse by not prosecuting Weller for vehicular manslaughter. Age and intent are one thing, but the fact remains: people died.


Larry Diaz

San Marino
