
Laci Peterson’s Husband Admits Affair

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From Associated Press

Days after a 28-year-old woman admitted having an affair with him, Modesto fertilizer salesman Scott Peterson publicly acknowledged the liaison, and said he told his pregnant wife about the relationship before she disappeared Christmas Eve.

But Peterson said it did not rupture his marriage to Laci Peterson and again denied a role in her monthlong disappearance.

Peterson, 30, breaking a long silence and reversing weeks of denying an affair, called the relationship with Fresno-area massage therapist Amber Frey inappropriate. But referring to his wife of nearly five years, he told ABC’s “Good Morning America” in an interview broadcast Tuesday that it “wasn’t anything that would break us apart.”


He said Laci Peterson, 27 and seven months’ pregnant at the time, was unhappy. “But it was not something we weren’t dealing with.”

Peterson said there was not a lot of anger, no physical altercations and that his wife made peace with the affair.

“No one knows our relationship but us,” he told ABC’s Diane Sawyer.

Peterson told Sawyer that he did not kill his wife and added that there is no proof she is dead. The possibility runs through his mind, he said, but added: “It’s not one we’re ready to accept.”


The couple were expecting a baby boy, whom they planned to name Conner, on Feb. 10.

Peterson also told Sawyer he continued to see Frey, of Madera Ranchos, after he told his wife about her.

Frey made a dramatic, tearful appearance Friday in Modesto on the one-month anniversary of Laci Peterson’s disappearance, admitting a romantic relationship with Scott Peterson and apologizing “for the pain this has caused” Laci Peterson’s family.

A shaken, emotional Frey, a single mother with a 23-month-old child, said Peterson told her he was single when they met Nov. 20. She said she called Modesto police Dec. 30 when she discovered he was Laci Peterson’s husband.
