
Can Newport Beach Handle the Truth?


What I don’t understand about Newport Beach Councilman Richard Nichols’ comment about Mexicans is why it bothers anyone. I realize in this politically correct society you can’t open your mouth even if it’s the truth.

But Mexicans are the poorer segment of our society and they don’t have a cabin in the mountains or a yacht at Newport Beach. They do what I did when I was first married and didn’t have much money: They pack a lunch and head for the park. What’s wrong with that? As far as getting there early and hogging the park, if you want to get anything done in California, you’d better be early, and as far as hogging the park, they have as much right to be there as anyone.

John Waugen



In pursuit of truth and freedom of speech, it appears that the spineless jellyfish don’t live off the coast of Newport Beach but rather on the coast of Newport Beach, and with the exception of Nichols, they work at City Hall and are disguised as council members. These council members, under the guise of being politically correct, not only fear the truth, they cannot speak the truth.


Steve Baser

Newport Beach
